Our School » Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

​​St. Martin of Tours Catholic School

Practices and Procedures 2015- 2016
I By My Works, Will Show You My Faith.
James 2:18


At St. Martin of Tours Catholic School we work together to bring about the total development of our students. Recognizing parents as the primary educators of their children and the family as the heart of Catholic education, we act as co-educators with parents. We strive to continue, support, and enrich what parents have begun to foster in their children—an expression of the living presence of the Gospel in our lives. Together, we envision a future of hope, promise and fulfillment as the ultimate goal of their education. We aim to foster the growth of each individual according to his or her own potential and the confidence to go forth into society, aware of the gifts they are able to offer.  As followers of Jesus Christ all students, staff members, parents/guardians and community members have a shared responsibility to create communities of belonging that are safe, sustainable, inclusive, respectful and healthy.

Application of Standards of Behaviour

  • The school standards of behaviour apply to all members of the school community, including staff members, students, parents or guardians, volunteers, superintendents, senior board staff, board personnel, trustees and others who may be present in schools or at school related events under the jurisdiction of the ALCDSB. 


  • We believe the teachings of Jesus and the Golden Rule – we should love our neighbours as ourselves. To that end all members of the school community will show respect for themselves as creations of God, appreciate their special gifts, and contribute to their school. We encourage all to be inclusive in their interactions with each other and to follow the expectations of the school community including respecting personal space with a hands-off policy.

Safe Arrival

  • We believe that every school day counts. Studies show that students are more likely to succeed when they attend consistently and are on time. It is the parents' / guardians' responsibility to ensure that their children attend school and to inform the school if their child is going to be absent. If students are experiencing difficulty attending school we want to work together with parents and students to support a plan for success.
  • Supervision begins at 8:25 and the school day begins at 8:45. The school day and supervision ends at 3:15. 
  • Please exercise caution when dropping off your children. At bus times, the loading and unloading zone must remain clear.
  • Students need to be signed in and out through the office should they arrive after bell time or leave before the end of the day.
  • After being admitted to the school through the buzz in system, all parents/ guardians / visitors are to report to the office to confirm the reason for their visit before proceeding to any other part of the school. Visitors are welcome to all areas of the school with the exception of the school yard.
  • If a child exhibits symptoms of illness or injury or is ill, the best place for him/her is usually at home.  Should your child become ill during the school day we will endeavor to contact the parent/guardian.  In the case of particular contagious diseases (e.g., measles, scarlet fever) the Health Unit must also be notified.  Parents/guardians are asked to please notify the school of any cases of pediculosis (i.e., head lice), scabies, pink eye, 5th disease, chicken pox, etc. in order to prevent the spread of cases.
  • In cases of injury at school, appropriate first aid will be administered.  If the injury appears more serious, the parent/guardian or the emergency contact will be called in order that the student may receive the necessary medical attention. Therefore, it is important that all contact information be kept up to date.

Storage and Dispensing of Medication

  • We encourage families to schedule the dispensing of medications (in consultation with their physicians) outside of school hours.  However, where such scheduling options cannot be arranged, the administration of medication to students shall be undertaken as follows: 
  • The parent / guardian must complete Form A and Form B (Parental Authorization) & (Physician's Statement) posted on the school website) before any medication (non-prescription or prescription medication) is dispensed. (Pupils with Special Medical Care Needs and-or Emergency Medical Care Needs S-2010-05-4)   http://schools.alcdsb.on.ca/policies/Policies%20Document%20Library/S-2010-05-4%20Pupils%20with%20Special%20Medical%20Care%20Needs%20and-or%20Emergency%20Medical%20Care%20Needs.pdf)
  • In the rare cases, where non-prescription medication needs to be given at school it will be stored in the office in its original packaging and dispensed in accordance with written instructions from the doctor.
  • We will dispense medication for pupils who have a condition which requires regular medical treatment (e.g., Ritalin), or who, under certain circumstances, may require emergency response (e.g., EPIPEN, seizure medication, glucagon, etc.). The staff will then follow the instructions on original packaging from the pharmacy to dispense the medication accordingly.
  •  Food allergies and other environmental allergies develop over time and in order to ensure the safety of all of our school community we will need to be sensitive and willing to accommodate and make changes to the environment as necessary. We rely on information from parents / guardians to make us aware of your child's allergies and to provide any necessary alerts and/or medications.


  • While we expect all to dress appropriately, there are some guidelines that need to be followed.  Straps of sleeveless shirts should be at least three fingers wide.  Backs, midriffs and shoulders should be covered. Shorts/skirts should be longer than arms extended at one's side. Clothing must cover all undergarments. Slogans /logos on clothing need to be respectful to yourself and others.  Hats are to be removed upon entrance into the school.  Coats and outside footwear are also to be removed and neatly arranged upon entering the classroom. Appropriate inside footwear is to be changed into and worn at school, including shoes for gym.

Preparation for Class

  • Students are to be prepared for class with all necessary learning materials. Students must submit work that is original, completed by themselves and represents best efforts.

Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities

  • It is a privilege to represent St. Martin of Tours Catholic School. The expectation is that we will show respect at all times when representing the school.


  • Students should only bring to school items that are related to instruction and/or appropriate recreation at recess. Should students choose to bring their own devices to school for instructional purposes they will assume the risk of loss, damage, and/or possible theft.  Items not approved by the Principal or classroom teacher will be taken and parents will be contacted.

Recognition for Appropriate Behaviour

Self-satisfaction and a sense of contribution are in and of themselves a reward for many of us. Our school's positive school climate and atmosphere grows from everyone accepting responsibilities and acting accordingly.  We also offer positive reinforcement through:

  • positions of trust and responsibility
  • private/public recognition (verbal and written)
  • certificates, awards, classroom incentives
  • parental encouragement
  • leadership opportunities

Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences to build upon strategies that promote positive attitudes and behaviours to address inappropriate student behaviour and.  When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures should be applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to a focus that is both corrective, supportive, compassionate, and respectful. Example, early interventions may include, but are not limited to, contact with parents, verbal reminders, review of expectations, or a written work assignment with a learning component, loss of privileges or referral to community agencies.

The progressive discipline continuum is a stepped approach to support a positive change in behaviour.  However if an incident is serious in nature and after a full consideration of circumstances affecting a student's behaviour, it is recognized that a step, such as a suspension or expulsion, which is further along in the progressive discipline continuum, may be necessary. In considering whether to suspend a pupil or whether to recommend to the Board that a pupil be expelled, a principal will take into account any mitigating factors or other factors prescribed by the regulations. For details on suspensions, suspensions pending expulsion as well as  mitigating factors please see: Caring and Safe Catholic Schools Policy S2013-05-4:  http://schools.alcdsb.on.ca/policies/Policies%20Document%20Library/Forms/Schools%20and%20Students.aspx or we will gladly provide you with a hard copy should you prefer it.

What is a threat?

A threat is an expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against someone or something.  Threats may be verbal, written, drawn, posted on the Internet or made by gesture.  Threats will be taken seriously, investigated and responded to. Please see https://www.alcdsb.on.ca/Board/Policies/Lists/Documents/Fair%20Notice%20Letter%20-%202018-2019.pdf for the posted Fair Notice letter as well as on our website.  In the body of the letter you will find a link to the Board's Community Threat Assessment Protocol.

Bullying and Cyberbullying

There is a duty to report all incidents of bullying to the administration.  A definition of bullying and cyberbullying can be found in Caring and Safe Catholic Schools Policy S2013-05-4: at http://schools.alcdsb.on.ca/policies/Policies%20Document%20Library/Forms/Schools%20and%20Students.aspx as well as in St. Martin of Tours Catholic School's Promoting Positive School Climate and Well-being (which will be forthcoming).

  • The school will follow the requirements set out in the Education Act as amended, and PPM 144, including requirements regarding the reporting of incidents, notification to parents, and supports and steps taken in response to the bullying incident.

We All Have a Role to Play:

Staff, students, and parents/guardians all create a circle of support in partnership with our Parish, community, and community agencies to support the development and needs of our students and families.

We will:

  • help others in need;
  • include others who are left out;
  • challenge "by-stander" behaviour;
  • express concern and caring; and
  • recognize feelings and perspectives of others.